
Carlo Brioschi (Milan, 1782 – Naples, 22 July 1833)

Brioschi was a first-rate astronomer, who started as a pupil with the Brera astronomers at the end of 1805. He was enrolled in the geographical engineers due to Campana’s project to establish an observatory at the War Depot in 1813, where he was to act as the instructor. This project did not come about, and in 1819 he went to direct the Naples observatory. He managed to beat an altitude record with an aerostat in 1808 and later directed the geodetical triangulation of the duchies of Parma and Modena. He published Brioschi, Carlo 1811-1812. Effemeridi astronomiche… Milan: 2 vols. And Id. 1824-1816. Commentari astronomici della Specola reale di Napoli. Naples: Tipografia nella Pietà de’ Turchini (cf. MSA, studi parte moderna, 48,