Costantino Rosa Sicuro (b. Zante (Zakynthos) 3 May 1758)
Originating from an ancient noble family, he was in Venetian service then sided with the French in 1797, giving a speech in Venice [1797]. Discorso pronuncia’ dal cittadin Costantin Rosa Sicuro in campo a S. Bortolomio [Venice]. He joined the Cisalpine engineering corps as a captain 1st- class after an examination on 4 April 1798, and was promoted to battalion chief on 6 October 1803. He was subdirector in the departments of the Reno, Basso Po and Rubicone. He was cashiered on 13 November 1810, there being “a strong suspicion that he was guilty of embezzlement” (Cf. MSA, WO 1828, 1868).