
Giuseppe Patroni (Chiavari, 27 April 1769 – Bologna, 7 December 1823)

Patroni served in the Genoan engineers as a second lieutenant from 1794 after having sat an examination, then entered Cisalpine service in the infantry on 31 January 1797, being considered “a great patriot”. He was made captain 2nd-class of the artillery on 8 June 1798, then after another examination captain 1st-class on 25 August of the same year. Promoted to battalion chief on 1 September 1800, he directed the manufacture of portable firearms in Brescia from 1803 to 1806, then the arsenal of Pavia. On 18 June 1806 he was promoted to colonel and was decorated with the iron Crown. In June 1814, seeing that he was to be discharged «and hence plunged back into obscurity and restriction», he applied for a £1000 bonus for his services, pointing out that under his administration the State had saved over £2.000.000 , yet «I prove to be as poor as I started (though only doing my duty according to some)». Whereupon, prompted by the chief of the 2nd division of the Ministry Beroaldi, who maintained that Patroni had secured Pavia alone a gain of over 50%, Bianchi d’Adda awarded him £1500, with these words: «I recognise the assets and distinguished service you rendered the State, just as I appreciate the advantage accruing to the public treasury from the wise economy with which you administered the important and resource-consuming companies placed under you».
Second cousin to Giuseppe Mazzini, he contributed to his education (Cf. MSA, WO 116, 1728, OR 89, Stefanoni, Luigi. 1863. Giuseppe Mazzini. Notizie storiche. Milan: Carlo Barbini: 13-14, Mazzetti, Serafino. 1840. Memorie storiche sopra l’università e l’istituto delle scienze di Bologna e sopra gli stabilimenti e i corpi scientifici alla medesima addetti, Bologna: Tipi di Tommaso d’Aquino).